New dates for the 2025-2026 year for our Parent Info. meeting & Registration day
Each year a parent informational meeting is held in early spring. For the 2025-2026 school year, the Parent Information night is an Open House on Thursday, February 6 from 6:00-7:00pm at the preschool. This meeting gives parents the opportunity to learn more about Wee Blessings, see the classroom and meet our staff.
Families are accepted on a first come, first served basis and pre-registration is offered to our currently enrolled families. Registration for the 2025-2026 school year will be Thursday, February 13 at 7:00a.m. The doors will open at 6:50 a.m. on the West side of First Reformed Church. At registration, please fill out a registration form, and pay the non-refundable registration fee of $125.00 to complete your registration. After paperwork night is completed the registration is assumed to be for the entire year. An early exit fee equal to one month’s tuition will be charged if a child is withdrawn during the school year except for conditions of extended illness or family relocation.
Tuition for students attending the 3-year-old class (2 sessions per week) is $125.00 a month.
Tuition for students attending the 4-year-old class (3 sessions per week) is $170.00 a month.
Tuition payments are automatically withdrawn each month from your checking account. You may also choose to pay the year in full with a check. This must be done during open house time. Tuition is required regardless of absenteeism. Wee Blessings Preschool is a non-profit organization.